Cookies cannabis seeds

From 29.00

Cheap Cannabis Seeds

GMO Cookies

From 29.00

Beginner Cannabis Seeds

Mandarin Cookies

From 29.00

Cheap Cannabis Seeds

Cheese Cookies

From 29.00

Cookies cannabis seeds

Girl Scout Cookies x Do-Si-Dos Seeds

From 29.00

Cookies cannabis seeds

Cookies & Cream Seeds

From 29.00

Beginner Cannabis Seeds

Northern Lights x Do-Si-Dos Seeds

From 29.00

Beginner Cannabis Seeds

Girl Scout Cookies x Cheese Seeds

From 29.00

Cheap Cannabis Seeds

Cookies Amnesia

From 29.00

Beginner Cannabis Seeds

Girl Scout Cookies x Kush Seeds

From 29.00

Cheap Cannabis Seeds

French Cookies

From 29.00

Autoflowering Cannabis Seeds

Auto CBD Cookies Seeds

From 29.00

The Cookies Collection has been a game changer in the cannabis industry, though its origins aren’t completely known. There is some dispute about who and when cookies were truly founded, but it does seem that the cookie strain was founded in 2010 in San Francisco.

All cookies strains are hybrid strains that offer high amounts of THC with a sweet flavor. This sweet flavor is responsible for this collection’s name because it produces a cookie like aroma and flavor in the mouth. The high THC results in a high buzz that is matched with the appealing flavor of the strain.

Here at Expert Seed Bank, we have over 400 strain types, many of them belonging to the Cookies Collection. Some of the most popular include Girl Scout Cookies and Cookies and Cream Auto. Our Cookies Collection is also offered with 48 hours shipping to the US with tracked postage.

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