Author Archives: Poric Burke

Jak palić haszysz w odpowiedni sposób? [Zobacz najlepsze sposoby]

Whether you are an avid cannabis connoisseur or you’re just testing the waters, hash can prove to be a tricky endeavor. Unlike other forms of marijuana and its extracts, hash requires some careful considerations before advancing forward.  The good news is that hash tends to be quite versatile, affording you the ability to use it […]

Dlaczego po 24 godzinach nadal czuję się na haju? [Nie jesteś sam]

A long-lasting high is something that many people who smoke cannabis look for. But those trying it for the first time may have a few questions. How long is it possible to feel this effect? Is it possible to still feel high twenty-four hours after trying cannabis? For many, especially new users, it’s completely normal […]

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